Data privacy, IT and IP
Data privacy & Compliance
- Data privacy
- Data and information security
- Defence strategies in case of cyber attacks
- Compliance
- Management systems
- Prevention and handling of fine proceedings
- Digitisation
- Whistleblowing
Information Technology
- Software/Applications (“Apps”)
- Licencing strategies and contracts
- Outsourcing and relocation of IT services, cloud and business procedures
- E-commerce
- Development of legally compliant usage and payment models
- Digital healthcare, medical technology and licencing of medical products
- Law related to technical infrastructures
- Purchase and supply relationships under aspects of development / strategic development partnerships
Intellectual Property (IP)
- Protection of know-how in line with the Law on Business Secrets
- Trademark protection (application for national, international and community trademarks)
- Design protection (registration of designs)
- Patents and utility models
- Deposit of proprietary material
- Digital marketing and marketing technologies
- Media law (corporate image of companies and third-party ratings)
- Defence against exploitation of reputation and other attempts of distortion of competition
The GDPR has significantly increased awareness of data privacy and security of information. This has also lead to a rise in demand for expert guidance from lawyers who are qualified to provide consultancy services on matters related to data privacy.
Companies and public organisations can no longer afford to ignore data protection law. At the same time, there is often uncertainty with regard to the appointment of an internal or external data protection officer, the compliance of marketing or homepages with the GDPR, strengthened rights of data subjects, the best approach as to the protection of customers and employees, threatening warnings and high GDPR fines.
Besides (and sometimes in connection with) data protection, companies are faced with many questions regarding the terms “cookies”, “Industry 4.0”, “Internet of Things”, “Cloud” as well as general questions of digitisation.
Especially the fines imposed by supervisory authorities are the reason why data protection law is nowadays perceived as an essential part of a functioning compliance management system. At the international level, there have already been fines imposed in a three-digit million range, and also in Germany, fines in a two-digit million range are no longer uncommon.
Our lawyers are your reliable partners for all issues relating to data privacy. We provide sound and practical advice to companies, public institutions and data protection officers, conduct audits and implement data protection standards. Should you or your company be faced with regulatory or court proceedings, our lawyers will assist you with all their competence. We are particularly specialised in fine proceedings before supervisory authorities as well as the defence of clients against fines.
The term “compliance” refers to a structured establishment of internal rules and regulations in order to reduce risks under tax law, criminal law and civil law for the company and its corporate bodies (e.g. board of directors, managing director) by means of a well-working organisation and to avoid or at least minimise fines or sanctions against companies. A compliance infringement may also lead to a loss of reputation. An existing compliance management system is nowadays often regarded as a competitive advantage, e.g. in public tenders.
We render advice in all questions relating to compliance in all aspects: corporate law (especially Corporate Governance), data protection law, tax law and criminal law. Thus, we are able to implement effective compliance management systems tailored to your needs in order to avoid breaches from the outset.
In cases of suspected breach (e.g. where employees may have breached law in their function for the company), we will assist you with internal investigations to identify and cease breaches and take the most appropriate measures. We will also be happy to assume this task in cooperation with your internal resources (e.g. your audit department or compliance officer). Internal efforts to resolve incidents are appreciated by investigating authorities, since they may spare them investigation work and reduce efforts. Therefore, such internal efforts may help to reduce fines and penalties.
Our COOPERATION PARTNER, CDV Consulting GmbH, will be pleased to provide you with an external data protection officer, to conduct data protection audits in your company and to assist you with E-Learnings, e.g. on data protection and compliance. Our cooperation partner may also assume the function of an external compliance officer and establish and operate a functional whistleblowing system.